Lets see what the teams will be rocking in August!!!

Once again Cross Check Clothing have knocked this year’s jerseys out of the park!

A lot of work with the captains and Ryan the designer has gone into this year’s jerseys with stories behind them all. Those stories behind the concepts of the shirts will be coming soon with the captains chats with Craig Simpson on Allstars TV and they will be ones not to miss!

Committee member Geraint Walters added “The shirts are one of the most talked about items from the Allstars weekend and between the captains and Ryan, they’ve done an amazing job as it’s difficult year on year to find something fresh to create without some thinking outside of the box.”

Once again, we are so thankful to Pete who now has the mammoth task of turning from concept to physical shirts and we cannot thank him enough.

So, say hello to this year’s concepts! We hope you like them as much as we do.

More information will be released shortly on how you can get your hands on them.


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